Australian Educational Documents

Australian educational documents are not public documents and require both verification by issuing public university and notarisation before qualifying for Apostille or authentication certificates.


Australian public universities


The Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) in Australia will only issue Apostille and Authentication Certificates in respect of Australian Public University Degrees| Certificates | Testamurs | Academic Transcripts | Diplomas | Awards, when the relevant document has had its contents verified by the graduate,student (or appointed notary) as a ‘true and accurate record’ by personal attendance upon the central student administration office of the university which issued the document.

Foreign educational documents including translations performed by an Australian accredited translator can only be apstilled/legalised in country of issue or sometimes its Embassy/Consulate in Australia.

Most public universities have an existing arrangement with the DFAT to have certain members of its staff lodged with it a specimen stamp and signature which are recorded on DFAT’s data base for it to check and authenticate before issuing an Apostille or Authentication Certificate.

When you attend your university personally the student administration officer will verify your document by placing a stamp and signature on the reverse side of the document which will be recognised by DFAT when it checks recorded specimens on its data base.

However, if your Public University which made the award has a public online verification register capable of public examination, the verification process may be undertaken by an Australia Notary Public who verifies the authenticity of the document under his/her signature and seal without the graduate or student having to attend to the verification process personally.

If your University has no online verification register, your Notary will contact the University by email seeking verification by return email. A written Authority from the graduate/student is required for this process to take place.

If you proceed in this manner, your document (which is not a public document qualifying standing alone for an apostille or authentication certificate) does not need to be “notarised” by a Notary Public, unless you require a copy of your original document to be verified/authenticated/apostilled rather than the original… you may wish to keep your original to eliminate the possibility it may not be returned to you by those asking for its legalisation because it is lost and you cannot use it again in future if you want to move on.

If you are unable to attend the university personally to have your document verified, Tranquill legal will verify your original or notarised copy of Degree/Testamur, Academic Transcript, Diploma or Award as part of its professional services


Australian private universities

Documents issued by an Australian accredited private University or College will need to be certified and sealed by an Australian notary public. Verification is not necessary.


Australian state technical colleges


Your original document can be apostilled without further ​requirements. Copies can be certified by an Australian notary public which will enable you to retain possession of the original for future use if required.


Australian secondary school qualifications


Your document must be verified and signed by an authorised officer of the relevant issuing organisation (e.g. the NSW Board of Studies, the QLD Studies Authority etc.) or an Australian Public Notary.

Apostille Australia Certificate Service provides such a notary service. Verification is not necessary.


Australian public primary school documents

Your document must be verified and signed by an authorised officer of the relevant State/Territory Department of Education. 

Most education departments have an existing arrangement with DFAT to have certain staff provide this service.

When you contact the education department to arrange this, let them know that your document needs to be signed for DFAT.

Copies may be notarised by an Australian Notary Public before or after this verification to enable you to retain in your possession the original.


Australian private college | school documents

Documents issued by an Australian accredited private school or college will need to be certified and sealed by an Australian notary public.

Apostille Australia Certificate provides such a notary service.

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Apostille Australia Certificate Service

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